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Hot Air Balloons Hot Air Balloons

Release Date: 27 Aug 2019

Expiry Date: 26 Oct 2019

#1 Date: 02 Sep 2019

(View the Leaderboard)



Hot Air Balloons Feat1000

« Great going, BalloonRat! You've avoided treetops and power lines while soaring high and enjoying the countryside! Now turn the flame down and gently return to earth with this new Feat card in tow! »

« While the first 'heavier-than-air' flight didn't occur until 1903, the first hot air balloon flight took place over a century earlier in France, in 1783! Hot air balloons are more popular than ever today, with hundreds of festivals held around the world each year to celebrate ballooning and balloonists! Collect some fun examples of these giant gliders in this new set! »

ArtistArt by HMT Studios

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Order  Order: Card points | Card name

High-Flying Football High-Flying Football
7500 points
Recipe Happy Clown  + Rocket Ship Recipe + Soccer Ball-oon  Happy Clown Rocket Ship Soccer Ball-oon
Rocket Ship Rocket Ship
5000 points
Recipe Hot Air Recipe + Hoot Air Balloon  + Pufferfish Premium Ticket Markets Hot Air Hoot Air Balloon Pufferfish
Cheesing Chimpanzee Cheesing Chimpanzee
3000 points
Recipe Elephant Aloft Recipe + Pufferfish Premium Ticket Markets + Sandbag and Rope Recipe Elephant Aloft Pufferfish Sandbag and Rope
Hot Air Hot Air
2000 points
Recipe Propane Tanks  + Sandbag and Rope Recipe + Balloon Basket  Propane Tanks Sandbag and Rope Balloon Basket
Elephant Aloft Elephant Aloft
1500 points
Recipe Happy Clown  + Hoot Air Balloon  + Pneumatic Piggy  Happy Clown Hoot Air Balloon Pneumatic Piggy
Full Heart Full Heart
1250 points
Recipe Hoot Air Balloon  + Soccer Ball-oon  + Classic Striped Balloon Premium Ticket Markets Hoot Air Balloon Soccer Ball-oon Classic Striped Balloon
Sandbag and Rope Sandbag and Rope
1000 points
Recipe Propane Tanks  + Pneumatic Piggy  + Classic Striped Balloon Premium Ticket Markets Propane Tanks Pneumatic Piggy Classic Striped Balloon
Pufferfish Pufferfish
900 points
Premium Ticket Markets 40 tickets in Dubai
Needed 4 needed
Hoot Air Balloon Hoot Air Balloon
800 points
Needed 6 needed
Soccer Ball-oon Soccer Ball-oon
700 points
Needed 3 needed
Happy Clown Happy Clown
600 points
Needed 4 needed
Propane Tanks Propane Tanks
500 points
Needed 9 needed
Pneumatic Piggy Pneumatic Piggy
400 points
Needed 8 needed
Classic Striped Balloon Classic Striped Balloon
200 points
Premium Ticket Markets 35 tickets in Dubai
Needed 7 needed
Balloon Basket Balloon Basket
100 points
Needed 4 needed

ϕ Please note that if cards are not currently available in one of the markets then the current collection cost will only reflect those that are, and thus may not be accurate.


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