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American Sign Language American Sign Language

Release Date: 05 Jun 2024

Expiry Date: 09 Aug 2024

#1 Date: 12 Jun 2024

(View the Leaderboard)

Total cost:ϕ40 tickets
15925 credits



American Sign Language Feat1000

« Hello and congratulations, SignLanguageRat! Though some of the hand gestures were challenging with your little paws, you've enjoyed learning some common words in American Sign Language! Use this new skill to help converse with the hard of hearing or the deaf, or when you need to communicate silently in person! »

« While there are over 300 types of sign language worldwide, American Sign Language (ASL) is the most popular in North America, having first been developed in the early 1800s in Connecticut! Using specific hand gestures in this new collection, you too can learn 15 common words in this nonverbal language! »

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7500 points
Recipe - Cost: 4000 credits Goodbye Recipe + Help Recipe + Thanks Standard Markets Goodbye Help Thanks
Help Help
5500 points
Recipe - Cost: 3150 credits 2 x Silly XL Subscriber Markets + Sorry Recipe Silly Silly Sorry
Sorry Sorry
4000 points
Recipe - Cost: 2300 credits Angry Recipe + 2 x Please XL Subscriber Markets Angry Please Please
Yes Yes
2500 points
Recipe - Cost: 20 tickets, 1225 credits Brave Recipe + Sad Premium Ticket Markets + Silly XL Subscriber Markets Brave Sad Silly
Angry Angry
1500 points
Recipe - Cost: 1350 credits No Standard Markets + 2 x Stop XL Subscriber Markets No Stop Stop
Goodbye Goodbye
1250 points
Recipe - Cost: 700 credits 2 x Hello Standard Markets + Thanks Standard Markets Hello Hello Thanks
Brave Brave
1000 points
Recipe - Cost: 800 credits 2 x Hungry XL Subscriber Markets + No Standard Markets Hungry Hungry No
Stop Stop
900 points
Premium Ticket Markets 15 tickets in Beijing
XL Subscriber Markets 500 credits in New York
Needed 9 needed
Please Please
800 points
Premium Ticket Markets 10 tickets in Beijing
XL Subscriber Markets 475 credits in Austin
Needed 7 needed
Silly Silly
700 points
Premium Ticket Markets 10 tickets in Sydney
XL Subscriber Markets 425 credits in Austin
Needed 6 needed
Sad Sad
600 points
Premium Ticket Markets 20 tickets in Sydney
Needed 2 needed
No No
500 points
XL Subscriber Markets 350 credits in Singapore
Standard Markets 350 credits in Rio De Janeiro
Needed 7 needed
Hello Hello
400 points
XL Subscriber Markets 275 credits in New York
Standard Markets 275 credits in Santa Monica
Needed 5 needed
Hungry Hungry
250 points
XL Subscriber Markets 225 credits in Singapore
Needed 5 needed
Thanks Thanks
100 points
XL Subscriber Markets 150 credits in Singapore
Standard Markets 150 credits in Rio De Janeiro
Needed 4 needed

ϕ Please note that if cards are not currently available in one of the markets then the current collection cost will only reflect those that are, and thus may not be accurate.


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