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Packrat Market Tracker - Phonetic Alphabet - XL Credit markets


All | Tickets | Credits ( XL | Standard )

Card Market Price Tracked   Card Market Price Tracked
B For Bravo Phonetic Alphabet B For Bravo Austin 375 credits now   C For Charlie Phonetic Alphabet C For Charlie Austin 400 credits 2 mins ago
E For Echo Phonetic Alphabet E For Echo Singapore 200 credits now   F For Foxtrot Phonetic Alphabet F For Foxtrot Singapore 175 credits 3 mins ago
H For Hotel Phonetic Alphabet H For Hotel New York 425 credits 3 mins ago   I For India Phonetic Alphabet I For India New York 425 credits now
K For Kilo Phonetic Alphabet K For Kilo Austin 225 credits 3 mins ago   L For Lima Phonetic Alphabet L For Lima New York 450 credits 3 mins ago
N For November Phonetic Alphabet N For November Singapore 475 credits 3 mins ago   O For Oscar Phonetic Alphabet O For Oscar New York 200 credits 2 mins ago
Q For Quebec Phonetic Alphabet Q For Quebec Austin 250 credits now   R For Romeo Phonetic Alphabet R For Romeo Singapore 275 credits now
T For Tango Phonetic Alphabet T For Tango Singapore 350 credits 4 mins ago   U For Uniform Phonetic Alphabet U For Uniform New York 325 credits now
V For Victor Phonetic Alphabet V For Victor Austin 300 credits 3 mins ago   X For X Ray Phonetic Alphabet X For X Ray New York 150 credits 2 mins ago
Y For Yankee Phonetic Alphabet Y For Yankee Singapore 125 credits now   Z For Zulu Phonetic Alphabet Z For Zulu Austin 100 credits 3 mins ago

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