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You completed the Ice-Cold collection!

Yippee, IceColdRat! Though your hands are freezing cold from double-fisting ice cream treats, your heart has always been warm like a good PackRatter! Savor your much-needed break from this sweltering summer heat as you enjoy your frozen desserts, and marvel at your brand-new "Rats can get brain-freezes too!" Feat card!

New releases Newest releases

R.U.F.U.S. Thu 19 Sep 24
Release type: Premium Ticket Markets Boy Genius R.U.F.U.S. (750)

Turnstile Thu 19 Sep 24
Release type: Premium Ticket Markets Winston World Turnstile (100)

Compass Thu 19 Sep 24
Release type: Premium Ticket Markets Return to Tiki Island Compass (500)

Fashion Consultant Thu 19 Sep 24
Release type: Premium Ticket Markets Devs Devs Devs! Fashion Consultant (2500)

What's On Guide Thu 19 Sep 24
Release type: Premium Ticket Markets Creature Feature What's On Guide (750)

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