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José Amado Polanco José Amado Polanco

12 collections (0 current)

« José Amado Polanco is from the Dominican Republic and is an illustrator and graphic designer. He currently works illustrating text books, at a publisher and freelances as well... he LOVES art and sharing his work with people who enjoy it... »

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Order  Order: Date | Collection name

Age Of Aviation 16 Cards

Retired on 14 Mar 2017

Premium Antique Automobiles 15 Cards

Retired on 28 Jan 2017

Premium Aquatic Exotics 15 Cards

Retired on 12 Aug 2020

Canine Companions 20 Cards

Retired on 06 Apr 2017

Curious Cats 18 Cards

Retired on 04 Jul 2017

Premium Dashing Dart Frogs 15 Cards

Retired on 08 Feb 2017

Premium Get To The Chopper! 15 Cards

Retired on 19 Jun 2020

Mesozoic Monsters 10 Cards

Retired on 20 Mar 2021

Musing On Mimes 15 Cards

Retired on 23 Feb 2017

Presidents' Day 15 Cards

Retired on 15 Apr 2017

Premium Vita Leporidae 15 Cards

Retired on 20 Dec 2016

Premium Special Items 29 Cards

Released on 23 Jun 2016


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New releases Newest releases

Pink Fairy Armadillo Sat 27 Jul 24
Release type: Premium Ticket Markets Very Odd Animals Pink Fairy Armadillo (600)

Tracking Implant Sat 27 Jul 24
Release type: Premium Ticket Markets Pet Files Tracking Implant (600)

Cup O' Joe Sat 27 Jul 24
Release type: Premium Ticket Markets Retro Diner Cup O' Joe (900)

Cappuccino Sat 27 Jul 24
Release type: Premium Ticket Markets Loan Words Cappuccino (200)

Tape Recorder Sat 27 Jul 24
Release type: Premium Ticket Markets Vintage Appliances Tape Recorder (450)

King's Crown Sat 27 Jul 24
Release type: Premium Ticket Markets Bottle Stoppers King's Crown (400)

Smoked Salmon Sat 27 Jul 24
Release type: Premium Ticket Markets Animal Thanksgiving Smoked Salmon (400)

Bamboo Shoots Sat 27 Jul 24
Release type: Premium Ticket Markets Animal Thanksgiving Bamboo Shoots (600)

Bubble Gum Sat 27 Jul 24
Release type: Premium Ticket Markets Pretty in Pink Bubble Gum (550)

Snowman Cake Sat 27 Jul 24
Release type: Premium Ticket Markets How to Build a Snowman Snowman Cake (500)

View detailed releases from the last 5 days »

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