The Razor's Plunder

Collection The Razor's Plunder

Card type Recipe (Premium)

Release date 23 Jul 2009


You will need to make 3 copies of this card to complete the collection.


530 tickets


Captain Auger Confrontation = Treasure Map Fragment Premium Ticket Markets + Trail of Treasure Premium Ticket Markets + Stone of Fortune Premium Ticket Markets

Converted Cutlass Arm = Pickaxe Premium Ticket Markets + Shovel Premium Ticket Markets + Iron Heart Premium Ticket Markets

Treasure Cave = Metal Detector Premium Ticket Markets + Marked Palm Tree Premium Ticket Markets + Unfortunate Treasure Hunter Premium Ticket Markets

Swashbuckling! = Treasure Cave Recipe + Captain Auger Confrontation Recipe + Converted Cutlass Arm Recipe

The Razor Triumphant = Captain's Gig Recipe + 2 x Swashbuckling! Recipe