Sweaty Snout
Piggy's Pumpatorium

Collection Piggy's Pumpatorium

Card type Premium

Release date 13 Apr 2017


You will need 9 copies of this card to complete the collection.


30 tickets


30 tickets in Dubai 18:04 GMT


Pinja = 1 Set of Star Throws Premium Ticket Markets + Sweaty Snout Premium Ticket Markets + 1 Set of Ollies Premium Ticket Markets

Piggy Protein = 2 x 1 Set of Bench Press Premium Ticket Markets + Sweaty Snout Premium Ticket Markets

Special Items Ice Cream Sundae = Hoof Protectors  + Sweaty Snout Premium Ticket Markets + 1 Set of Tail Curls Premium Ticket Markets

Ballerina Piggy = 1 Min of Pointe Technique  + Pinja Recipe + 1 Set of Tail Curls Premium Ticket Markets

Pump You Up! = Ballerina Piggy Recipe + Plucky Piggy Recipe + Piggy Protein Recipe

Plucky Piggy = Ballerina Piggy Recipe + 2 x Hoof Protectors 

Pump You Up! = Ballerina Piggy Recipe + Plucky Piggy Recipe + Piggy Protein Recipe

Pump You Up! = Ballerina Piggy Recipe + Plucky Piggy Recipe + Piggy Protein Recipe


21 tickets in Dubai 24 Nov 2023

250 credits in Venice 12 Jun 2017

250 credits in New York 12 Jun 2017

Price data from 27th May 2009 onwards. Any errors?