Concert Decor
Honky Tonk Tour

Collection Honky Tonk Tour

Card type Recipe (Premium)

Release date 30 Sep 2010


You will need to make 3 copies of this card to complete the collection.


145 tickets


Jukebox 45 = Bass Guitar Premium Ticket Markets + Cigars Recipe + Pint Premium Ticket Markets

Cigars = Cowboy Boots Premium Ticket Markets + Cowgirl Boots Premium Ticket Markets + Cowboy Hat Premium Ticket Markets

Concert Decor = Bottle of Beer Premium Ticket Markets + Cowboy Hat Premium Ticket Markets + Jukebox 45 Recipe

Tour Bus = Belt Buckle Premium Ticket Markets + Pint Premium Ticket Markets + Concert Decor Recipe

500th Austin = Concert Decor Recipe + 300th Headquarters Recipe + Flight Of The Monarch Chillin In Austin Recipe