Yukon & Yeti

Collection Baubleheads

Card type Recipe (Retired)

Release date 16 Dec 2017


You will need to make 8 copies of this card to complete the collection.


Yukon & Yeti = Karen & Hocus Premium Ticket Markets + McClane & Gruber Premium Ticket Markets + Tooth & Jack Premium Ticket Markets

Kevin & The Pigeon Lady = Jack & Sally Premium Ticket Markets + The Misers Premium Ticket Markets + Yukon & Yeti Recipe

Special Items Happy Holidays 2017 = 2 x Kevin & The Pigeon Lady Recipe + Yukon & Yeti Recipe

The Clauses = Kevin & The Pigeon Lady Recipe + The Misers Premium Ticket Markets + Topper & Winter Premium Ticket Markets

Snowman & Snowdog = Kevin & The Pigeon Lady Recipe + The Clauses Recipe + Topper & Winter Premium Ticket Markets

Special Items Happy Holidays 2017 = 2 x Kevin & The Pigeon Lady Recipe + Yukon & Yeti Recipe

Snowman & Snowdog = Kevin & The Pigeon Lady Recipe + The Clauses Recipe + Topper & Winter Premium Ticket Markets